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There are many risks associated with driving under the influence (DUI). It is a very poor decision that one should avid at all costs. Not only will it impair your judgment, it can have far reaching consequences including causing accidents, losing your license, increasing your insurance costs, earning a DUI conviction and even having your reputation suffer. Many people have died as a result of some getting behind the wheel while drunk. In some state the penalties can be very harsh even on the first arrest requiring a person to immediately see legal help form a DUI lawyer which can itself be very expensive. There are however ways you can avoid any of these things happening to you.


•    Do not drive


Having some drinks and enjoying a goodtime is certainly not illegal. However when you consume alcohol and take that goodtime on the road, you are acting illegally and irresponsibly. There are plenty of options to avoiding driving including calling a cab, having a friend drop you home, spending the night in town or even get on the bus.  While you plan to have fun, also plan on getting home safely without you getting behind the wheel. 


•    Limit your drinking


If you however decide to go out and insist on taking your own car, then be sure to keep track of the amount of alcohol you are drinking and limit yourself. Ideally you should not mix drinks so as to reliably estimate the amount you can drink. Remember that while it is not illegal to drink and drive, it is illegal to do so when you are over the limit and incapable of competently operating a vehicle. 


•    Take care of your car


You will also want to avoid giving the police reason to pull you over on a traffic stop. In many cases the reasons a police officer will pull you over will be as a result of how you were driving and the condition of your car. Broken tail lights, damaged body work and dead signal lights can be sufficient cause for a traffic stop so ensure your car is in good shape. 


•    Have your documents ready


If you are pulled over, you should ensure that you have the necessary documentation that an officer will ask for including insurance, registration and your driving license. It is certainly easier and causes less suspicion when you can promptly pull out these documents if ever asked for them. 


To have your legal questions answered you can go to American Law Sources On-line is one of the top leading American legal site where you can get free access to legal related articles.


•    Proper demeanor


Remember that when an officer pulls you over, they will pay keen attention to your vehicle and your behavior. The proper etiquette when pulled over is to roll down the window, turn on the cabin light and have your hands on the wheel where the officer can clearly see them. You should also speak with courtesy and respect. The more coherent and respectful you are, the less suspicious he will be. 


A traffic stop is nothing to fear if you have not been drinking or have limited yourself to well within the legal limit. It is advisable however to learn about your rights and standard practices in your state as to alcohol testing. If you do however find that you have been arrested, be sure to take the necessary steps in hiring the best San Francisco DUI Attorneys to help avoid conviction or at least limit the consequences of a conviction. 
























Tips To Avoid Being Caught DUI

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