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Facts About Driving While Intoxicated

If you have been arrested and eventually charged with driving while intoxicated then you need to know your rights. Regardless of where you reside, upon arrest you have the right to remain silent. If you consented to the roadside sobriety tests then these results can and will be used against you in court.

Some people have refused to take these tests, but taking this automatically means that your driver's license can be suspended by the court. This is because it is often viewed as an admission of guilt and you are disobeying the directions of a police officer. Here are some facts about driving while intoxicated.

Your Odds of Maintaining Your Innocence Hinge on the Circumstances That Surround Your Case

If you are a first time offender and have been charged with driving while intoxicated then your odds of getting a slap on the wrist from the court is higher than those of a repeat offender. One way people avoid doing any jail or prison time is to plead guilty and ask for a plea bargain. Most of the time, this action results in a fine and community service and some type of DUI related counseling classes.

People need to be able to know about the consequences that they can face if they are convicted of driving while intoxicated. Some judges can decide to make an example out of people if they show no remorse when they go to court. It is very important for all defendants in these cases to try to show that if they are guilty that they will own up to their actions and learn from them as quickly as possible.


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