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Why You Need a Lawyer if Caught Driving While Intoxicated

One of the worst things you can do legally when you own a car is to be caught driving while intoxicated. Not only is it a dangerous thing to do, depending on how fast you were driving and the circumstances of the event, you could end up in a lot of trouble.

That is why, if you were stopped by the police when driving while intoxicated, the first thing you should do is engage the services of a lawyer.

Why you need a lawyer -- So many people are caught driving while intoxicated, it seems nowadays younger people may not take it particularly seriously. In fact, it is an incredibly serious offense. So serious you could end up in jail.

If you have a lawyer fighting your case, however, he knows the court system and knows what is likely to get you put in jail, or what is likely to get you excused with a fine and points on your license. You do not. This is just one reason why you need a lawyer when you step into that court room.

A lawyer can help bargain down the possible verdict -- If it seems likely you are going to be found guilty, a San Diego DUI defense attorneys can immediately begin to work within the system to bargain down the possible verdict. This could mean you pay a lower fine, do less community work and, of course, avoid jail time.

Going into court by yourself, however, you do not have this expertise or the contacts necessary to make it happen. 

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