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DUI Defined

The definition of driving while intoxicated is operating a motor vehicle after you have ingested enough alcohol, illegal or prescription drugs to delay your motor functions. If pulled over by the police you must submit to a blood alcohol test, either a breathalyzer or blood test, anything over 0.08% is a crime. For those suspected of being under the influence of drugs, a blood test may be ordered as evidence when you are arraigned in a court.

Balancing Act


Police have the right to pull you over if you are exhibiting signs of DUI such as, driving too fast or too slow and weaving on the road. They will then have you step out of your car and perform and request you perform a series of field sobriety tests. These tests have been created to detect an imbalance in the driver’s equilibrium and include standing on one leg and walking a straight line. This is the only test a driver can refuse to do, but you will then be taken to the police station to undergo other testing to determine your blood alcohol levels.


It’s all in the Numbers


The BA number of 0.08% was chosen, because studies have shown that this much alcohol in a person's system greatly increases their chances of having an accident. This is due to the fact that alcohol slows down a driver’s reaction time, impairs their vision and creates a haze like memory effect. The same is true for drugs because opioids, meth and marijuana alter your central nervous system.


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