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Costs Incurred with a DUI Conviction

A DUI conviction can be very costly to the offender, both in and out of the courtroom. Many people only focus on the fine they may have to pay, but in reality this can be just the tip of the iceberg. Here are some of the other related costs that can escalate, especially when you have a poor DUI defense.


  • Fines


This is perhaps the first challenge an offender has to deal with upon conviction. They amount will be determined by the judge and it ten to vary depending on various factors such as the level of inebriation, jurisdiction and whether it was a first offence.


  • Loss of license


When many people lose their driving license, they are usually required to survive without it for a determined period. During this time they may be forced to use public transportation or take a cab. This may not be much more expensive, but if they need to be driving for work purposes, it can be a problem in fulfilling work obligations and even threaten their jobs. There is also a fee for reinstating your license through the DMV.


  • Alternative punishments


In many cases where the offender must be driving to earn a living, the judge may be persuaded to uplift or reduce the suspension on the license. In these cases however there are restrictions often imposed and ignition interlock devices are amongst the most popular. Here the cost of purchase and installation of the device is for the offender to cover. Alcohol monitoring leg bracelets are another possibility that you will also have to pay for the monitoring of.


  • Insurance


Car, health and life insurance policies can be affected by reports of a DUI conviction. Because of the high number of fatalities, you become a higher risk of client and therefore will have your rates pushed up leading to higher premiums.


  • Reputation


The high statistics involved in these offenses has made it a big public concern with several powerful advocacy groups involved. If you are in a position of authority, have a high brow profession or are public figure, you can expect plenty of bad publicity if word gets out of such a conviction. It can interfere with your chances of career success as some jobs are closed off to those with drinking problems.


Given the range of costs that can arise, it is often advisable for those who can afford it to have a San Diego DUI Lawyer present to help argue for lesser financial and related punishments. The level of punishments can however also vary based on the severity of the circumstances surrounding the case, and jurisdiction. Certain jurisdictions have much stricter and severe punishments for these offenses in a bid to deter repeat occurrences. This is particularly so in areas where drunk driving cases have lead to many fatalities and the related advocacy groups have a strong presence. Ultimately however, the best way to avoid thee costs altogether would be to avoid drinking and driving at the same time. Simple solutions like having a designated driver, using a cab or opting to drink at home are good ways to put yourself out of the line of fire and avoid all these hefty costs.


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