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What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Driving While Intoxicated Lawyer

If you have been arrested because the police suspected you of driving under the influence, you should think carefully about the huge implications this is going to have for many years to come. You have to determine if you think you can successfully convince a judge, the jury, and the arresting officer that you were in fact not guilty. The arresting officer employs a variety of different tests to determine your level of sobriety, then submits the findings to a court where the judge will come down with his ruling. Consider the penalties you are about to face and how a driving while intoxicated lawyer could help get those charges reduced.

The Long Painful Road
Regardless the level of your sobriety, the judge must abide by certain rules when coming down with his punishment. You are going to lose your license for a period of time, you are going to pay higher insurance premiums, you are going to pay fines, and you could face jail time. On top of all that, if anyone was injured or property was damaged, you are responsible to make everyone whole again. The cost here could easily climb to the tens of thousands, and without the help of a professional local driving while intoxicated lawyer, you have little if any chance of convincing the judge to go lenient on you.

Your One Chance
Your professional local driving while intoxicated lawyer is your only chance to convince that judge he should consider some evidence presented and possibly lessen or dismiss the case. Your lawyer understands exactly what each judge is looking for and what it is they will and won't accept in a case like this. If you were to try an attempt this on your own and you insult the judge in any way, you run the risk of getting the maximum sentence.



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