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Driving While Intoxicated

Driving while intoxicated is often called a DWI. This is when you have a blood alcohol level about legal limit. An average 10,000 people die every year in an alcohol related accident.

Any blood alcohol content over 0.05% through 0.08% found by a breathalyzer is considered a criminal offense. The blood alcohol level has been found to be higher in younger people around the age of 21 to 25. Making this age range at higher risk for a DWI.

People who choose to drive while intoxicated suffer consequences. These vary by person some are just fined and some get prison time depending on blood alcohol content and if someone was hurt or killed in the process. On your first offense, in many state you get your license taken away with the option of a hardship license after 30 days is up. Second offenses they get suspended for a year, and third for 10 years. You will have to get SR-22 insurance, which cost 10 times more than normal and also have to take DWI classes.

There are ways to prevent DWI. Before you even have one drink you need to find someone who is not drinking to become your designated sober driver. This person will drive everyone home safely. Another way to prevent driving while intoxicated is to call a cab or find a ride home never drive drunk. If you are hosting a get together and offering alcoholic beverages take your friends keys so they can't drive home drunk and offer them a place to stay.

Always remember to drive sober not only to save your life, but the lives of others as well.

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